Casually strike them here and there, then surprise attack them with a hidden sniper, or something else that’s effective like a shotgun or grenade. Try to outsmart the enemy with something unexpected, like I always do.Be careful though, they might see what you are planning to do. Try shooting explosive barrels if they are near an approaching player, for an added damage bonus.
Joining the SAR Discord will make Devs and Mods not attack you. Maybe best to backstab them as they get off by filling them with lead, for good measure.
Under attack by an emu rider who turned out to not be a taxi? Well, no worries! You can easily hitchhike on their ride by pressing, but you are at the mercy of the rider now, either they will try to kill you, or you two will form an alliance as the rider will ride you and themselves over to the circle. Some players might be working as serviceable Taxi drivers, so be sure to not shoot them to gain their trust if you want to be a good fare. Bots are not that bright, but don’t underestimate them! They’re sure to kill you if you aren’t quick and accurate. Crouching will make your movement sound much more quieter. Heal faster and more efficiently by chugging health juice next to an active campfire!. You can also eat coconuts and mushrooms for health, as well as use campfires to heal! Low on health juice? Use a Banana Forker to eat thrown bananas for an excellent amount of returned health. With a bit of friendly interaction, you’re sure to make friends in this game!. As well as access to every milestone cosmetic. Buying the Super Edition grants an additional x2 Carl Coin drop rate and 1,000 S.A.W. The more time you survive, or the more kills you get in a match, you get a bit more XP and a small chance for a random cosmetic drop rate. (I actually did this one time, didn’t work. Killing developers in-game does not grant bonus XP points. If you throw a banana on the brown pedestal in front of the shrine you will collect the ‘Praise Banan’ emote (Super Edition Only). In the cave you will be greeted by a long and narrow hallway, leading to a Banan shrine. If you go to the mountain on the top right corner of the map, there is a cave in there.
There are also a few holiday-related codes: HOWLWEEN (redeemable during Halloween), DayOfTheDead (redeemable during Halloween), USA (redeemable during July the 4th), CANADA (redeemable during July the 1st), SUMMER (redeemable during SAR summer events), CRISPRMAS (redeemable during December), SAKURA (redeemable during April and May). The current codes available are SUPERFREE, NLSS, SQUIDUP, and LOVE.
You can redeem coupon codes for a few free cosmetics! Go into the main menu, hit ESC, and in the paws menu, there should be an option to Redeem Coupon.
Try it out! (I believe if new content updates come, the tutorial will be updated with info about the new features, such as the mushrooms and clams and whatnot from the last update.) There is an in-game tutorial system that you can enable! It’s quite helpful, and good enough for new players.If you are wearing a tier 3 armor, try to tape up to two ticks of armor before healing, then make the final tick and continue your fight. Be sure to repair armor instantly after a fight, then heal with juice. Snipers and Miniguns are the heaviest weapons in the game (currently), so be sure to switch to a lighter weapon for longer travels.Opening them will greet you with some decent treasure, being grenades, ammo, tape, or juice. You will find these giant clams on shorelines or beaches around our island.