Rock With Barney, Protect Our Earth - 19912. This comes with upcoming Barney products like Barney's Adventure Bus, which came out in December 13, 1994. BARNEY VHS LOT Rock With Barney, Camp WannaRunnaRound, Three Wishes - 14.99. As Baby Bop and BJ are leaving, a crew member is seen holding the dog before he comes into Baby Bop's arms.After singing " The Noble Duke of York," Carlos, Kim and Tosha don't see Barney coming to life.After Jason leaves at the end of this video, his hat that Barney is wearing transforms into a camp outfit (a hat and green bowtie).During the song " BINGO," Barney's camping jacket becomes buttoned and unbuttoned.Production and filming took place around August 22-27, 1994.Carlos would later wear the same clothes in "If the Shoe Fits.".The musical arrangement for "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" was also used in "Imagination Island".It was previously used in "Come on Over To Barney's House".

However, this version of " I Love You" is similar to the Season 3 version (in a guitar style). Because this, Barney's Adventure Bus, Explore the Earth with Barney and Barney's Good Day, Good Night were released before Season 3 aired, the regular Season 2 intro was still used for these home videos.With a little imagination, Barney takes Stephen and his friends, Hannah, Kim, and Chip, to Camp. After a forest ranger visits the school, Stephen decides he wants to become one too, but there's one big problem Stephen has never visited a forest before. It officially marks the second generation of Barney and Friends. The same group (Carlos, Tosha, Kim and Jason) also appeared in "Barney's Sense-Sational Day". Camp Wannarunnaround is a Barney video released on July 8, 1997.Time Lapse was also used when Barney & the others rush back to their campsite with their gear after being attacked by mosquitoes.
Afterwards, Jason and Carlos clean their bunkhouse and change their clothes. The audience sees the kids running in fast motion around Barney, making him dizzy, before Kim and Tosha run to their bunkhouse. Before the fun activities start, the kids hastily clean their rooms.